Pharmacy technician certification board test study guide
Pharmacy technician certification board test study guide

The cost of the exam is over $100, so you want to make sure that you pass it the first time. They give you real examples of questions and mathematical problems that you will encounter on the exam and in your job as a pharmacy technician.īefore taking the ExCPT exam, the student should take several different practice tests to prepare. Many study guides include a lab book which will help you practice. Another good source is the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board. The National Health Career Association offers printed textbooks, online tutorial, and practice tests. There are many study guides available to help students prepare for the ExCPT exam. There are many practice math tests available online for pharmacy technicians. The pharmacy technician should practice adding and subtracting improper fractions, reducing ratios, and calculating percentages. Much of pharmacy mathematics involves ratios and fractions. Mistakes can have grave consequences for the patient. It is very important that pharmacy technicians understand calculations for medication dosage. Mathematical errors account for the majority of pharmacy mistakes. Using these types of flashcards to commit this information to memory will not only prepare you for the ExCPT, but it will also help you in your daily job duties as a pharmacy technician.Īnother area to study is pharmacy math or dosage calculations. These are codes which are commonly used on prescriptions and doctor’s orders. Flash cards are also a good way to learn sig codes. These flashcards can have commonly used brand name medications on one side with the generic name on the other. Pharmacy technician flashcards can be bought in bookstores and online. These can easily be carried with a person and reviewed whenever time allows. One of the most practical ways to study for the ExCPT exam is by using flash cards.

Pharmacy technician certification board test study guide